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66 news items

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  1. Migrants as a profitable business model

    Migrants who seek international protection in the European Union are usually reliant on smugglers to make their journey. This ...

    News item | 23-01-2025 | 07:00

  2. Annual figures Human Trafficking 2023

    Today, on the European Anti-Trafficking Day, theĀ National Rapporteur on Trafficking in Human BeingsĀ and Sexual Violence against ...

    News item | 18-10-2024 | 07:00

  3. Annual figures Human trafficking 2022

    The National Rapporteur on Human Trafficking is concerned about the number of victims of human trafficking in The Netherlands. ...

    News item | 18-10-2023 | 00:00

  4. Insight into young offenders of (online) child sexual abuse

    Stop it Now and the National Rapporteur on Trafficking in Human Beings and Sexual Violence against Children publish their ...

    News item | 24-08-2023 | 10:00

  5. Sexual exploitation offenders often quickly and seriously reoffend

    Domestic sexual exploitation offenders often and quickly commit serious offences again. This concludes the National Rapporteur on ...

    News item | 23-08-2023 | 10:21

  6. Worrying picture of sexual violence against young people

    Teenagers often experience sexual violence and are also more likely than primary school-age children to become repeat victims of ...

    News item | 14-12-2022 | 16:00

  7. Broad perspective is needed on sexual violence and sexual exploitation

    In order to protect victims of sexual violence against children and sexual exploitation as effectively as possible, we must look ...

    News item | 27-09-2022 | 16:48

  8. Key figures and insights into human trafficking and sexual violence against children

    What do we know about victims and offenders of human trafficking and sexual violence against children in the Netherlands? The ...

    News item | 24-06-2022 | 12:26

  9. Conny Rijken new National Rapporteur on Trafficking in Human Beings and Sexual Violence against Children

    Prof. dr. mr. Conny Rijken will be the new National Rapporteur on Trafficking in Human Beings and Sexual Violence against ...

    News item | 10-06-2022 | 16:30

  10. Half of all human trafficking victims become repeat victims

    Fifty per cent of all victims of human trafficking become repeat victims within seven years. This is the conclusion drawn by the ...

    News item | 06-01-2022 | 11:06